The Crime with no Laws and Penalties

You know it. I know it. The difference is, I unapologetically consider this as a true blue crime and do not regret addressing the same; neither have, nor will. And if you agree with me once you’re done relating to this thought of mine, then this title is certainly for you. While penning down the entire context, I’ll exactly tell you why it’s undoubtedly a crime yet with no laws.

How often have you heard your mind asking your heart- “Why couldn’t you become a little more stronger?”, “Don’t you understand anything beyond melting?” And then your heart asking you back- “Why me?” Honestly I might be a part of this interrogation session for the hundredth time in near future and I’m sure even your count is no less than fifty times at least. Some readers might just add a ‘LOL’ to this saying ‘grow up it’s a part of life and not something you write a whole blog about.’ I say, my friend, damaging someone else’s heart, punishing one’s mind with wounds isn’t and wasn’t a part of life ever. Making things up doesn’t normalize them no matter how many times you shout it out, the last word is always the last word.

I’ll not be specifying alliances, I won’t be specifying the possible bonds you’ve shared or have been sharing. I’ll only underline what comes with it. 

On what basis do you conclude that one gets hurt either because it’s destined or they deserved it? If I may ask, what is your version of destiny? How does it look? Is that a place or a dead end? Is there a pre-planned printed diary that enlists what one deserves? Have you purchased anything similar? If yes, where do I get it and at what price? Be pretty sure if you say you own answers to each one of these.

woman in white minidress
Photo by mododeolhar on

You know this exactly works like a post mortem with slight differences. So during a legit post mortem, each one of the organs are removed from the body, examined and put back, sealed with stitches. Here, you’re neither clinically dead or physically dead, you’re just mentally dead because someone brutally rips off your heart, takes it out, uses needle-pointed words and actions that helps in piercing a multiple times and puts it back. The pain bothers you twice. How? Once when your heart is healthy and alive and again when your heart is dead yet beating. 

What surprises me is how calmly do they close their eyes, being blind to the mess they give birth to. The mess that costs someone years and decades to clean and yet the smell prevails. How on earth do they wish themselves a good night on knowing they’re the prominent reasons for the multiply of somenody’s deadly nights? Giving a thought to how someone kills the other person from inside, that instead pushes them to die slowly, with every passing second, with each release of breath isn’t just scary but scary. 

Gambling is said to be considered as a crime but gambling with feelings is not. Betting is an unlawful act but betting on emotions is not. Sexual assault is an evil behaviour but assaulting someone’s trust is normal. Rape is indeed a mortal sin but raping someone’s self-esteem, someone’s self-respect is normal. 

True, that when life gives you lemons, you make a lemonade or not that’s either up to you and that’s how it follows and you are served with the beverage you chose for yourself. But if someone deliberately adds a spoonful of poison into it, then that’s certainly not what anybody deserves. 

adult alone black and white blur
Photo by Kat Jayne on

Everybody do talk about the battle they won, the period they overcame but not about the bruises that still does the talking. The problem is neither it can hide behind a concealer or some matching skin tone foundation nor it leaves a mark on the skin. It’s just there. Constantly pricking the seventh layer of the skin. If at all anybody could put into words what is it to survive with an incurable bite.

gray scale photo of man covering face with his hands
Photo by Daniel Reche on

Imagine having a court where only the physical sufferings wouldn’t be arrested into study but also the mental ones, imagine carrying mandatory certificates declaring no adulteration in one’s character; No wonder how many would’ve been unemployed and behind the bars then. Ah yes slap my silly mind!

Strange, how someone’s laughter echoes even after wrecking someone’s regular smile. Someone’s double-dealing can kill someone just as quick as a bullet to the heart. The most supreme drug used by mankind- yet never caught and never charged!


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